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146 English Hymn, called Jerusalem, Exposed New Age Influence. This is, as was Sung, at London 2 0 1 2 Olympic Games

Page 146

1 4 6 English Hymn, called Jerusalem, Exposed New Age Influence! This was Sung, at London 2 0 1 2 Olympic Games! Article 6 3

New Age Influence, within English Hymn JERUSALEM. This was, as at London 2 0 1 2 Olympic Games

The purpose of this article, is to demonstrate, how Gnosticism (New Age) – is at the centre of the Hymn “Jerusalem”. This also explains, why this Hymn, has dangerously become very important – to English culture. They are totally at FAULT, as shown, by the following evidence.

At the London Olympic Games 2 0 1 2, we saw a whole scenario, of “England a green and pleasant land”. It showed the Glastonbury Tor, with its “Thorn” (a tree), as centre stage. This was as a backdrop, to the very English Hymn “Jerusalem”.

What was that all about?

Why is that hymn so important to England? Why is it NOW sung, as the English National Anthem, at the Commonwealth Games? Why is it also sung, at England’s Cricket Test Matches?

What is REAL Significance, of English used HYMN, JERUSALEM?

To answer most of these questions, I now enclose a section, from an article written by Tony Pearce, of “Light For The Last Days”.

It is called “Isles of Wonder, London’s Weird Olympic opener”. I have now found it, as posted in another place, in December 2 0 2 0 within:

Please open this up, and Watch It.

I now also use another page. This one discusses, other similar type of stories:

I would like to thank Tony, for giving me permission, to publish these sections here again. His help can also be seen, in a similar Blog 4 2 9, of this message.

I now give some background information about England, and the rising of these games in this land, in 2 0 1 2.

Some consider ‘Jerusalem’ to be a Christian hymn, because it talks about the ‘holy lamb of God’ (i.e. Jesus).

But the fact is, that Blake was certainly not a believing Christian. He had visions of ‘angels’ from a young age, and associated with mystics and occultists, participating in seances.

He was influenced, by the writings of Jacob Boehme and Emanuel Swedenborg, who are seen as fathers of occult influences – behind Freemasonry and Theosophy.

He inherited the idea, of the Innate Divinity of Human Beings, from Swedenborg. His work contains, a Pantheistic Theme, of bringing all together as one.

A number of his ideas, tie in with the New Age view of God, being inherent in Man – showing the ‘Human Form Divine’.

He practiced a form of ‘automatic writing’, particularly in his art work. Automatic writing, is described as “technique to quiet the mental chatter, that obscures dialogue, with spirit guides and angels”.  This actually means, channelling inspiration, from evil spirits.

Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’, is based on the legend, about Joseph of Arimathea. He was the person, whose tomb Jesus was buried in, before Rising from the Dead. Please See Matthew 2 7. 5 7.

According to this UNTRUE Legend, Joseph was the uncle of Mary. Mary was the mother of Jesus, who took charge of the infant Jesus, after the death of her husband Joseph.

Please note though, that there is not a shred of evidence of this, in the Gospels or early Christian Literature. Neither is there any TRUE EVIDENCE AT ALL, of the following story.

It is FALSELY told us, that Joseph of Arimathea, was a rich merchant – with a large fleet of ships, that ran the tin trade, for the Roman Empire. This was between England and the Mediterranean.  He travelled to the area, that is now England, and visited Glastonbury – during the years. This was when Jesus, was 1 2 years old, and the beginning of his ministry – at the age of 3 0.  

Glastonbury, was already a place, told wrongly to us – with mystical significance, also known as the Isle of Avalon. It was connected to the legends, of King Arthur. According to legend, Joseph of Arimathea later visited Glastonbury, with the Holy Grail. This was the Chalice, which Jesus supposedly used, at the Last Supper, to serve the Wine.

He thrust his staff into Wearyall Hill, which then grew into the original thorn tree. The Holy Grail, is also connected to Arthurian legends, and is sometimes referred to as a “cauldron”.

Traditionally the grail is thought, as a hand-held cup, rather than a large pot or “cauldron”. This may have resulted, from the combination of the grail legend, with earlier Celtic myths – of magical cauldrons.

Glastonbury was a centrepiece, of the London 2 0 1 2 Olympic Opening ceremony. It had Glastonbury Tor, being at the centre of the idyllic scene, which opened with the song ‘England’s green and pleasant land’.

In the ceremony, it was the place where the national flags of the participating teams, was placed.  Glastonbury Tor today (because of its associations with these mystic origins), is a high place of occultism, in Britain.

The town is full of New Age mystic shops, and features the yearly Glastonbury Festival, which contains a mixture of occultism – and pop music.  The ‘cauldron’ was the centrepiece, of the final scene, of the Olympic ceremony – where all the lights of the nations, were brought together as one.

‘Jerusalem’ begins with four questions, about whether Jesus visited England. It sings this song, which we all know.

 ‘And did those feet in ancient time, walk upon England’s mountains green?  And was the holy lamb of God, in England’s pleasant pastures seen?  And did the countenance divine, shine forth upon our clouded hills?  And was Jerusalem built here, among those dark satanic mills?’ 

The answer to all these questions is, NO! Of COURSE NOT.

Jesus never visited England. FACT!

The only countries, that Jesus visited outside of Israel, were Egypt – as a baby. Also, Phoenicia (modern Lebanon), when He went to Tyre and Sidon. That is per: Matthew 1 5.

Jerusalem is in the Judean hills in Israel. This is the place to which the Lord Jesus will return, at His Second Coming to the earth, and from where – He will reign over the earth, during the Millennium or Messianic Age.

The New Jerusalem, will come down out of heaven, from God – when the present earth has passed away, so we will not build it here in England, or anywhere else on earth during this age.

So the song Jerusalem, is not about any Jerusalem, to be found in the Bible. If it is about Jesus, it is another one, and certainly not about the Messiah – of the New Testament.

Blake’s ideas about God and Jesus, would however fit in with ‘another Jesus’. This would be the other Jesus, who is a mystic, featured in the Gnostic heresies. These heresies, plagued early Christianity.

Today, this is manifested in the various New Age and occult forces, which I have no doubt – that Blake would have fitted into, if he were alive today.  It ends with the words of that song:

‘I will not cease from mental strife, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, till we have built Jerusalem, in England’s green and pleasant land.’

This sentiment, is actually condemning people to endless ‘mental strife’, because this side of the return of Christ – will be no ‘Jerusalem’, in England!  But what does he mean by ‘mental strife’, and the sword that will build Jerusalem?

Certainly does not mean, the preaching of the Gospel of peace with God, through repentance and faith – in the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is much more likely to be, a combination of humanistic self-effort, even accompanied by violence – plus a heavy dose of the occult, leading to the Antichrist.

At the London Olympics, it was interesting what Danny Boyle wanted to get across. He was the producer of the Opening Ceremony programme. He wanted to inform, of building a better world, through human endeavour.

In his programme notes, he wrote:

“But we hope, too, that through all the noise and excitement, you’ll glimpse a single golden thread – of purpose. The idea of Jerusalem, of the better world (the world of real freedom and real equality), a world that can be built through the prosperity of industry – through the caring nation, that built the welfare state.

This through the joyous energy, of popular culture, through the dream of universal communication.  A belief that we can build Jerusalem.  And that it will be for everyone.”

According to the prophecies of the Bible, this age will end, not with the building of a humanistic ‘Jerusalem’ – but with a better world of freedom and equality.

Not with the rule of the Antichrist, who will bring oppression, persecution – and destruction to the earth. But we will experience deliverance, which comes from the glorious Second Coming of Christ.

While I would not say, that the London Olympics, started to set the scene – for the Antichrist, I would say that the spirit behind this production, was ‘antichrist’.

It was preparing the way, for the strong delusion, which the Bible says – will lead to the coming of the Anti-Christ.

By John Chingford

I am still a born again Christian, after my very serious, expected Death. I always have been one, since I was 18.5 years old. I had a serious car accident in 2017, which almost killed me.

I was in hospital asleep, for a full 4 months or so, and still find it very hard to remember - many things, which happened before my accident. However, the major thing is, that God has revealed Himself to me very specially. He has awoken me to remember my trust in Him.

It is amazing, that the only things I really remember, is that I used to run this blog - and I do remember much about it, and will continue it. Many things have left my memory, but I do remember my salvation and how to serve Jesus/God. I also remember Him, and His needs for me to serve Him, and win others to Him.

God has now reminded m, of ALL the VERY main Christian events, that are now happening - and the real truth about them. He has now enabled me again, to be able to write very strong messages.

I now write messages that I want you to read. They are clear messages from Him, that should be very easy to read, and lead you all more towards God. Please now read all my 485 Blog messages. These Blog messages have been written in here, up to March 2024.

You will see that they are real and true messages from God, and therefore cannot and should not be ignored. These should open our eyes to what God wants us all to learn in these days, of 2024.

I hope you can use my blog and read it properly. I desire that what God has spoken to me seriously, during and after this accident etc will be revealed to many people.

I especially want you to know the truth of His free eternal salvation. This cannot be ever lost by those who trust Him, as He Himself gives us all the power to trust in Him. It is His power He gives us, that we can never lose. This is because, this power is retained by Him - not us.

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